
Som utbildad yogalärare lär jag mig mkt av min mästare Yogi Bahjan. Här får du läsa vad riktig kärlek är. Naturligtvis tar du till dig det som känns bra eller så struntar du i det. Själv har jag fått en hel del insikter ang kärlek.

“If the entire divinity and domain of God sits in the heart of a person, and his longing becomes timeless, then man can develop the capacity to love.”

Om hela gudomligheten och domän inom Gud sitter i hjärtat av en person, och hans längtan blir tidlös, då kan man utveckla förmågan att älska

“Love is a process in which ego is lost and infinity is experienced.”

“Love is a creative energy, an experience of one’s Self within oneself. Love knows no pain—no sacrifice is too much for it. Love is an absolute one-pointed state of mind, focused on the well-being of the other person, who is called lover or beloved.”

“In love we honor. In love we grace people. In love we support. In love we sacrifice. In love we give. In love we elevate. In love we pray.”

“Human love is for one thing only: to love your soul. The Infinite world around you will be in love with you.”


”Mänsklig kärlek är endast en sak: att älska din egen själ. Den Oändliga världen omkring dig kommer att bli kär i dig. "

“Man has to live in love—love which is not lust. Love where there is no possession, no slavery of another person. Love which is a giving. Love which is for the sake of love. Love which lasts forever. Love which is a total sacrifice. Love which is more than the grace of God itself. Love which gives a halo around the face of the person. Love through which one can see God in the eyes of the person. Love with which the body shines, the words become sweet, and the communication is absolutely beautiful. That love for which one sacrifices his own life to save a little bit of injury to another person. That love with which one pleasantly and peacefully takes all the pain in his heart to redeem another fellow being. That love can only flow when one knows how to tune into that universal God.”

“The game of love means to identify ourselves as Infinity, not as an individual—that’s the difference. It’s a huge difference, you have to understand today. You cannot identify yourself as an individual. You have to become a very simple, solid, neutral, well-mannered, and loving person.”

“Love is the experience within one’s self of one’s own selflessness; that’s why love is God.”

”Kärlek är den erfarenhet inom sig själv, av din egen osjälviskhet. Det är därför kärlek är Gud”

“Love is the most secure place in an individual. It is very secure, very deep, very curative healing. It has no pain. It’s not limited. The highest state of security of an individual is when a person is in the state of love. It is a consciousness which can penetrate through anything for that thing and nothing can penetrate it.”

“When you feel and experience selflessness within yourself and you can vibrate for someone, then you are fulfilled with love. This is the highest state of individual consciousness.”

"När du känner och upplever osjälviskhet inom dig själv och du kan vibrera för någon, då är du uppfyllda med kärlek. Det är det högsta tillståndet av individuellt medvetande"



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